Monday 27 August 2012

Photographer Uncle

The moon from within the clouds. Isn't it so eerie and beautiful at the same time? It reminds me of The Prisoner of Azkaban; Sirius, dementors and Quidditch. 

My uncle shot it. He's got such amazing talents, but he doesn't think so. What a shame! 
Eight years ago, he took a picture of a mountain peak in Switzerland. You know,where the top part of the peak is orange from the glow of the sun and below it, stark white of the ice? It was such a breathtaking shot. I asked him to admit it into a photography competition, but he never did. And then some years later I saw a really similar photograph on the back cover of a Swiss travel book!

This is another one. The sun through the branches at sunset. I love it. 

He inspired me to be more courageous, I'm going to motivate him. :)

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